Duplicate Remits No Takebacks Icon
Credit Balance Accounts with Duplicate Remits without a Takeback

Difficulty: Simple  //  Revenue Cycle Operations

Why run this play?

Credit Balances can create significant compliance issues for healthcare providers, and even cause fines if not resolved timely. This play helps you quickly identify all credit balance accounts where the Payer remitted the same payment twice, resulting in a credit balance caused by an overpayment and/or duplicate contractual.


Credit balances are frequently caused by overpayments or system generated duplicate contractual adjustments. As a best practice, VisiQuate recommends that identified credit balances be resolved within 60 days.  All providers need to be aware when credit balances are rising, and develop internal practices to quickly identify overpayments and report them to the appropriate entities.

Take Action

  1. Create a report joining your 835 data with your most recent ATB.  Be sure to filter the ATB to only look at credit balance accounts:


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